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Can I float if I’m pregnant?Like a pickle covered in maple syrup, pregnant women love floating! There is even a special position you can float in that relieves all of the weight of the baby off of the mother’s body. If you are in your third trimester, or have any concerns, please consult with your physician before coming in.
Is there anything I should do to prepare?Yes! To add a picture follow these simple steps: Don’t drink coffee for several hours beforehand (it can make your system jittery). Also, don’t shave or wax since the salt water can irritate your skin. Eating a light meal about an hour to 90 minutes ahead of time stops your stomach from sounding like an angry monster while you float. Other than that, there’s no specific preparation needed.
How long have you been in business?Main Line Float and Freeze first opened its doors November 2020.
Can I float if I’m menstruating?Yes, you can float while menstruating. Just treat it like going to a swimming pool while on your period. Pro tip: if you happen to be using a tampon, consider coating the string with petroleum jelly (provided in the room) to prevent salt water from wicking into the tampon.
Can I float if I just dyed my hair?While there is no guarantee that the salt won’t strip some color from your hair, we recommend that you check if the water running through your hair in the shower at home is fully clear. If there is still some color coming out you should wait a couple of more days/showers.
I just got a tattoo, should I float?"Floating and fresh tattoos do not mix! Not only could floating with a fresh tattoo be painful (salt +open wounds = ouch) but the water solution could cause fading or discoloration of your tattoo and permanently ruin its aesthetic appeal. How long you should wait before floating depends on the tattoo and how quickly it heals, but tattoo artists/floaters we have talked to have suggested waiting 4-6 weeks.
Can I float if I just got a piercing?Like tattoos, this tends to not mix well! When your piercing is fresh it is still an open wound, which will cause some major discomfort. The area you have pierced will create a variation in the healing time, so floating can take between a couple weeks to a couple months depending on what you had done. For more information we suggest searching the healing times online or ask your body modification artist.
Do I need to bring anything?If you have longer hair, you may want to bring a comb. Also, something to put your contact lenses into while you’re in the tank. Other than that, we provide everything you need (towels, robes, earplugs, body wash/shampoo…) Each room is fully private, and you go into the tanks nude, so there’s no need to bring a bathing suit.
What are the differences in your tanks?We utilize all the same style tanks. We have 3 cabin style tanks and 1 Open Float room. All 4 tanks are a true 6' x8' and can accomadate couples.
Can more than one person float in a tank at a time?All 4 of our tanks are designed for individuals and for couples. We have four float tanks, so you can throw your own float party and invite up to 3 other people to float simultaneously in our shop.
Do I have to stay in the whole time?There aren’t any latches on the tank doors, and you can get out anytime. That said, the 90-minutes usually goes by waaaay faster than you’d expect (our average customer usually says it felt like 30-45 minutes long).
What’s the longest someone has been in the tank?We’ve had someone do a 24 hour float with us, and it’s possible to float even longer. One day we’ll get Guinness out here and get an official record.
Who invented these crazy devices?John C. Lilly
How long have float tanks been around?The first float tank was developed in 1954. These involved full submersion in water and a breathing device that completely covered your face. The first lay down, commercial tanks were invented in the early 70’s.
What if I’m claustrophobic?Being in the tanks is more like floating in outer space than being shut in a box. You’re always in control of your environment, and even people with extreme claustrophobia have reported having no problems with their time in the tank.
Is this new-agey mumbo jumbo?Floating has been around for over 50 years and has oodles of published research to back it up. No mumbo or jumbo here.
How do you clean the tanks?Between each float, the water is filtered multiple times through either a 1 or 10 micron filter and treated with UV light to sanitize the water. There is also residual Hydrogen Peroxide for supplementary sanitation and oxidation.
Do I get dehydrated from soaking for so long?No- your skin doesn’t even prune up, but it does become silky soft afterwards.
Can I drown if I fall asleep in there?Nope. Some people fall asleep, but the water is so buoyant that you stay afloat. The worst that can happen is getting woken up by a bit of salt water in your eyes.
Is this like altered states?Yes, but you’re not submerged in water, you don’t eat ritualistic mushrooms, and only a small percentage of floaters turn into proto-human monkeys.
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